Sunday, March 4, 2012

Get the credits rolling!

With the coming of donated components and cash support, Team Foosbot would like to take the opportunity to thank our sponsors and affiliates through this post and by making a dedicated page on our blog for them. Once the project is completely assembled, videos of the functioning components will be added to said page. For now, it's fitting to show a list of sponsors and affiliates with descriptions of their contributions and a link to their respective home on the internet.

Companies that donated hardware components:

For the donation of linear actuators for use with the
CoolMuscle motors to move foosmen across the table.

For the donation of the CoolMuscle motors to move the foosmen
laterally across the table.

 Cash donations came from:

For being an independent sponsor/supporter and financial donor.

For being an independent sponsor/supporter and financial donor.

In affiliation with:

For providing an excellent education experience
throughout the undergraduate level of an ABET-
accredited Electrical Engineering program.